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Jamie Hallman

Star Consultant

(803) 417-4523

My Story

"Try not to become a man of success. Rather, become a man of value. A successful man takes out of life more than he puts in. A man of value will give more than he receives." This is a quote by Albert Einstein, and is the basis for Scentsy's business philosophy, as well as my own. I'm a woman with many interests and passions, yet they mostly revolve around two common themes: Jesus and people. I love interacting with others and empowering and motivating individuals to take control of their lives. I believe we are all here for a purpose and that loving and serving others is one key component in that process.

My Scentsy business honestly began because of my dogs! At the time, my husband and I had 3 dogs and we could not seem to find anything that kept the house smelling good. I had tried everything known to man: Febreze, AirWick, Bath and Body Works, etc. One of my husband's coworkers mentioned trying out Scentsy, which I had never heard of. I gave it a shot, and never looked back! I threw out all of my old candles, plug-ins and sprays. The more Scentsy products I used, the more I fell in love.

I had no desire to go into sales! In fact, I remember saying many times before how I could never do that line of work. To me, sales was intimidating and only for a certain kind of person....and then I got my Scentsy Starter Kit. I only joined Scentsy to get the awesome goodies in the Kit and receive a discount on all of my future purchases. Needless to say, that all changed drastically for me as I now proudly run my own successful Scentsy business with customers all throughout the U.S. and team members representing 6 States. I've even earned an all-expenses-paid trip to Mexico for both my husband and myself, all from doing something I truly enjoy!

I’m so grateful that the girl who had no clue about or interest in sales fell in love with a product so much that she took a chance at something entirely out of her comfort zone...and found her passion along the way. The lessons I have learned through running my Scentsy business even gave me the courage to start up my own successful real estate Transaction Coordinator business that I run full time in addition to my Scentsy business.

Because of my own story, I now strive to be an invaluable resource for Scentsy consultants who join my team. Having me as your sponsor means you will never have to do this alone. Not only do I guide you through all of the information and tools needed to rock your new business, but you also get access to my own personal success system that has helped me succeed in this industry. I want you, and others like you, to experience the fulfillment of running your own business and learning to believe in yourself and your dreams like I have.

What's warming in my home